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Your pets can’t talk, complain or point out to us at the first signs of a medical problem. Too easily are subtle early signs of disease missed and we can miss out on the chance for early intervention. A lot can happen in 12 months.

We recommend a complete physical examination by our veterinarians at least once a year for the young and fit, and twice a year for our less fit or older patients. The consultation consists of the physical exam and discussion, diagnostics if required, and a health plan for your pet.

Call us for advice from one of our Veterinary Nurses or to book a time with a nurse for free-of-charge weight check or help with giving a worm pill to your pet.



Just as general practitioners can refer humans to have specialist treatment, we vets can refer your animals to a veterinarian with specialised skills. While we provide the primary and daily care for your pets, there are some cases that require advanced skills, expertise or equipment that we can not provide.
We actively refer to and work hand-in-hand with the following specialists in the area to achieve the best possible outcome for your pet.

  • The Veterinary Specialist Aotearoa: VSA specialised in Internal Medicine, Surgery and Radiology located at 1/133 Central Park Drive, Henderson and 1 Te Apunga Place, Mt Wellington

  • The Animal Referral Centre: ARC also specialised in Internal Medicine, Surgery and Radiology located at 8 Hereford Street, Freemans Bay and 224 Albany Highway, Schnapper Rock

  • The Auckland Animal Eye Centre specialised in the diagnosis & treatment of conditions involving the eyes and associated structures. Located at 18 Barrack Road, Mt Wellington

  • Dermatology Specialist Allan Bell specialised in the treatment of skin disorders and allergies located at North Harbour Vet Clinic, 398 East Coast Road

The Referral Process:


We will discuss the referral as an appropriate course of action with you and refer you to the specialist. Once the specialist has received our referral they will be in contact with you to schedule an appointment. In some cases we may arrange the appointment while you are still with us in the clinic.



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If you are new to the area, we’d
love to hear from you. Drop in
to one of our clinics, give us a 

call or click here to send us a



If your pet has an ongoing
condition that we are treating,
and you need a repeat
prescription, please
 click here



Want to know more? For a list of
helpful links to veterinary and
pet care information, please

click here

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